Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance is characterized by great flexibility. Policyholders can determine the amount and frequency of premium payments (i.e. the more you pay, the less time you will need to pay). Your premiums cover the insurance part, as well as the savings or investment element and the expense part. The stated interest on the investment portion changes along with movement in interest rates; moves in 1/4 % interest steps are typical as banks and other financial institutions make similar moves.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides permanent protection for the whole of life, from the date of policy issue to the date of the insured's death, provided that premiums are paid. Premiums are set at the time of policy issue and remain level for the policy's life. Unlike term insurance, whole life combines insurance protection and savings or cash value which builds over time. Cash value build-up may provide a source for living benefits, for example, helping pay off a mortgage, or a child's education, or cash surrender value if the policy is ever canceled.

These products are continually changing, and we can provide you with the latest information and policies available!

The Magnolia Group offers free, comparative quotes on Individual Life Insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate.

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